Once in a Blue Moon and Feeling it all....

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By: Stacie Beam-Bruce

Wow! What a time we are living in right now. I once heard someone say, "I really enjoy learning about big historical events in history, but I sure don't like living through them." I feel like that is probably an accurate statement for most. This is a crazy time to be alive; we are grappling with a vicious and polarized election at its fevered pitched peak, the pandemic that has taken a sweeping turn for the worst, fires, hurricanes, school from home, and nothing the same. Even Halloween is bringing up all kinds of emotions. It is serving as another reminder of how seemingly everything is different, and the loss of normalcy is front and center.

In addition to being at this peak of chaos and conflict in the collective we have a Full Blue Moon. Full moons in general bring an opening for deep emotions to surface. They are a call for balance. The moon, symbolic of the divine feminine and the source of nurturing and reverence, sitting directly across from the sun, a symbol of the sacred masculine and the greatest source of energy, is powerful beyond words. This alignment can be felt at our core. This is precisely why full moons are so climactic and revealing. This lunar phase never ceases to bring what is in the dark into light.  The Blue Moon today is significant in so many ways, but at its essence the rarity of it occurring right here, right now seems very appropriate for 2020!

So, what can we do? So many of us are conscious of our discomfort, of the dis-ease inside and around us. When we are feeling it all it is so easy to return to a reactive state and act from old, imprinted patterns that don't serve us. We may feel helpless right now but understanding that is a feeling that can and will move through us if we let it and that in of itself is empowering. Feelings are messengers, temporary visitors. If we are in a pattern of reacting from the feeling of helplessness, constricting around it, fighting it, we stay stuck in in it which amplifies our misery.

The Full Moon tonight offers us an opening for reflection to bring into our conscious awareness what we may have been trying to suppress, fight, or power through. Taking this opportunity to breathe, be gentle, reflect and take care of ourselves right now is what is needed. A breather and a loving intervention to assess what is working right now and what isn't. To assess what is out of our hands and what we can control RIGHT NOW.

This is an opportunity to reflect on small, sustainable acts of self-love that we can commit to.  Because, my friends, 2020 isn’t over yet!

Stacy Worley